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What is a business project


Projects are standalone - they are in essence a set amount of sessions (or hours) comprising a blended mix of coaching, training or consultancy to meet a specific objective or goal.


What are your business needs

Case Study - Rapid Business Growth

Pauls business has reached capacity and he is struggling to manage the day to day, let alone his work force. 

Recruitment to date has been long winded and he then struggles to find time to train new staff and keep them motivated.

How can we help?

By completing a health check to understand your business needs and skills gaps, updating or creating job descriptions and adverts, and then sitting with you throughout the recruitment/interview process so that your hire the best for for YOUR business. Overseeing onboarding and probation period as well as checking in with your new hire to iron out any training and development issues.

How to manage performance

Case Study - Managing performance 

Claire's business is heavily sales-focused and individual staff have targets and KPIs to ensure that the business continues to thrive. Over the past few months, Claire has noticed a steady decline in some Employee's performance and she wants to understand why and get things back on track!

How we can help?  

Your employees are your greatest assets, so we will work with you and your team members to review targets/KPIs and put together a performance improvement plan. A drop in performance can also affect employee self-esteem, and motivation as well as increase your own anxiety and stress levels and so this will be factored into individual coaching sessions to get everything back on track.

Why understanding business finances are important

Case Study - Understanding your Finances

Lisa has a team of 8 employees and outsources her bookkeeping. This has worked well over the past 3 years but Lisa has realised that her basic understanding of business finances is now impacting her decision-making and ability to plan.

How can we help?

Being able to interpret the numbers and understand what is turnover? why is that an expense! and what cash do I need to have to invest in further staff? is sometimes overwhelming. Training and coaching to simplify the process will make it a lot less daunting, and allow you to plan those important next steps. 

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